Welcome to the Friday mailbag where you will find some of the comments, questions and ideas sent recently by subscribers of this newsletter or our publications. They are edited for space and clarity.
“Shane, I too have that memory of the TV guide on my parents end table in the den (TV guide, March 15, 2023). Also, there would be hell to pay if it was lost in another room. I would love to see a TV column in the pages of the CITYVIEW. I may be the minority in this decision, but it’s a great idea. Let’s show the young readers what they’ve been missing.” - Donna
Based on the number of letters I received on this, you are clearly not alone. More to come. - Shane
“When it comes to dandelions, Shane, it’s too bad you weren’t adopted by my mom (Dandelions, May 1, 2023). When she could no longer mow her own lawn, she hired a lady to perform the task for her. In the spring, the lady would also thatch the lawn and offer to treat it to kill the dandelions. My mom actually told her, ‘But if you kill all my dandelions, I won’t have any flowers!’ ” - Bob
Then you know the old saying: One woman’s dandelion is another woman’s flower. - Shane
“You evoked a whole bunch of forgotten fond memories about summers. That hand trimmer is not one (Dandelions, May 1, 2023). Another torture device was a long-handled edger you pushed along the sidewalk and curb. The first pass of the season was tough. If you consistently edged each mowing, it was a thing of beauty to the obsessive-compulsive mind. Living in an association townhouse now, I miss those days for April and May. But as summer wears on and the brutal heat of August arrives, I feel for the fellows who still have to walk from tree to bush to garden edges, despite the high-powered gas trimmers they lug. May your socks shine brightly.” - John
We didn't have that fancy edger. Mom would dig out the sidewalk edges with a spade, just wide enough for my bicycle tire to get stuck in. - Shane
“Nice column on hate, Shane (Hate, May 2, 2023). I also don't hate any person. I do hate shrink wrap. It often brings me to acts of violence against inanimate objects. I can't help it. That stuff really ticks me off. Take care.” - John
Bingo! - Shane
“I have to agree about the H word (Hate, May 2, 2023)! I HATE when people use it! LOL! I encourage my kids, family and friends to not use the word because, as you said, it has such negativity to it and drains energy. I simply say that I ‘strongly dislike’ something instead of ‘hating.’ That being said, I do HATE liver!! The taste, texture…Yuck! Have a wonderful week!” - Kim
Mingo bingo! - Shane
“Loved your column on hate. Like you, I shy away from using the word and ‘hating’ others.
We should love and forgive others (Hate, May 2, 2023). This does not mean you accept their behavior. It simply means not carrying hate in your heart, which leads to bitterness. Hate does not harm the hated but, it does harm the hater. God bless.” - Kevin
Bingo, bango, bongo! - Shane
Have a fantastic Friday, and thank for reading.
Shane Goodman President and Publisher Big Green Umbrella Media shane@dmcityview.com 515-953-4822, ext. 305 www.thedailyumbrella.com