Welcome to the Friday mailbag where you will find some of the comments, questions and ideas sent recently by subscribers of this newsletter or our publications. They are edited for space and clarity.
“I wanted to comment about gazing at nature to feel ‘settled’ (Staring at the sky, Jan. 3, 2024). When the next millennium was upon us (remember the panic that computers everywhere would fail?), I wandered into my backyard that New Year's Eve and stared at the stars as hard as I could. Another millennium was nothing to the stars; they'd been around for eons. It reminded me that those stars will survive no matter what we do on this planet. It was one of those 'peace on Earth' moments.” - Shirley
How true. All hail the Big Dipper! - Shane
“I try to read your column every day. And, like most things in my life, I try to put you into a pigeon hole (Staring at the sky, Jan. 3, 2024). But then you write a column like you wrote today. Really? Now you’re a poet? Loved it.” - Joe
You got something against pigeons? - Shane
“I appreciate nature and the power and awe of creation even more as I have grown older, and I have really perfected the ‘my mind wanders aimlessly.’ (Staring at the sky, Jan. 3, 2024)” - George
Practice makes perfect, or something like that. - Shane
“I'm being accustomed to this format of receiving information (A newspaper evolves, Jan. 8, 2024). I'm pretty much detoxed my need to hold paper. I hope you don't have to go electronic with CITYVIEW, but, if so, I'll adjust. But I'm not going to pay $19-plus for the electronic Register!” - John
We like having CITYVIEW in print, too, and we don’t charge our readers a dime for it, in print or online. I am glad you are one of our 100,000-plus readers. - Shane
“Shane, I loved your column this morning (Snow happens, Jan. 9, 2024). Having been a supervisor in an office for several years, I can relate. I was motivated to make it to work when it snowed, so I could answer the phone when my co-workers, who lived much closer, called in to say they couldn't make it in. I worked for the State of Nebraska for 42 years, and they NEVER close. The last time I remember them closing was probably in 1983 or 1984, and my husband and I were headed to work with our small child in tow, to first drop him off at daycare, when we heard the announcement on the radio that the State offices would be closed that day. My husband turned the car around and took our child and me back home, and he headed back to work. I am retired now and can enjoy snow!” - Marla
I am fascinated by the psychology of what makes one person motivated to beat the snow and another to roll over and go back to bed. There is a personality match in there somewhere, but I haven’t quite figured it out yet. - Shane
Have a fantastic Friday, and thanks for reading.
Shane Goodman President and Publisher Big Green Umbrella Media shane@dmcityview.com 515-953-4822, ext. 305 www.thedailyumbrella.com
See Shane Goodman's previous columns here. |