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FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 2024


10-4, good buddy!

10-4. It’s today’s date. It was also a popular response when you acknowledged that you heard someone, especially in the 1970s. The phrase was often followed by “good buddy.” 10-4 was a way of saying the message was received on radio communications. “10-4, good buddy” was CB talk — that’s citizen’s band radio for those of you who didn’t experience it.

The phrase spread into popular culture when it was used in C.W. McCall’s No. 1 song in 1975 called “Convoy.” That song, and a related movie, introduced us to Rubber Duck, Pig Pen, Sod Buster and, of course, the smokeys and bears. About that same time, the “Smokey and the Bandit” movie took the trucking lifestyle and CB communication to a new level. Burt Reynolds, Sally Field, Jerry Reed, Jackie Gleason and that really cool 1977 Pontiac Trans Am, helped, too.

A few years ago, some good buddies of mine and I were feeling nostalgic and decided we would buy and install CB radios in our vehicles. What we were quickly reminded of was the importance of a quality antenna. And since none of us wanted to install a whip antenna on our vehicles, we settled for limited range and, as a result, only picked up the local school bus communication. I had a magnetic antenna that I put out through the moonroof on my truck when I wanted to use it. Seemed like a good idea, until the wind whipped it off and it slammed back and forth on the side panels. Regardless, we relived our youth and tried to recall all that CB lingo. It might seem silly with today’s technology, but the recent hurricane devastation and loss of power and modern communication methods remind me how important citizen’s band radio can be in emergency situations.

Back to 10-4. Ever wonder where the phrase originated? It is one of the “ten-codes,” or radio signals, invented by the Association of Public-Safety Communications Officials-International. The ten-codes are credited to Illinois State Police Communications Director Charles Hopper, who created them between 1937-1940 for use in quick and clear radio communications among police officers.

According to policecodes.net and other sources, the use of the number 10 before all of the codes wasn’t too important, as it was simply a placeholder to give the motor-generator time to speed up enough to hear the second part of the code. The 4 was chosen to mean “acknowledgement” of a message. These handy codes were quickly adopted by CB radio enthusiasts and truckers. Now you know.

So, as a salute to the 1970s, truckers, radio operators and CBs in general, I challenge you to say “10-4, good buddy” as many times as you can today.

Have a fantastic Friday, and thanks for reading.

Shane Goodman
Editor and Publisher
Times Vedette digital newsletter



Burn ban in place for Guthrie County

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

All of Guthrie County is now under a burn ban as ordered by the State Fire Marshal. Jeremy Cooper, director of the Adair and Guthrie County Emergency Management Agency, requested the burn ban based on continuing dry conditions.

The proclamation stated, in part, “The Fire Marshal finds that conditions in Guthrie County are such that open burning constitutes a danger to life or property. It is therefore ordered that no person shall engage in open burning in Guthrie County… except as specifically permitted by Iowa Code 100.40 (3) until such time as Jeremy Cooper… notifies the State Fire Marshal that such conditions dangerous to life or property no longer exists.”

Guthrie County 14-day weather forecast is for mostly sunny and sometimes breezy weather with little to no chances of rain, so the heightened danger is likely to persist for much of October.

 10 Squared Women present $14,600 to Guthrie County First Responders 

Special to the Times Vedette

The 10 Squared Women of Guthrie County held its third-quarter meeting of 2024 on Tuesday, Sept. 3 at Twin Vines in Panora. Forty women attended in person, and six members attended via Zoom.

After hearing presentations from Friends of the Mary J Barnett Library (Guthrie Center), Guthrie County First Responders and Guthrie Center Farmer’s Market, the group announced a lump sum of $14,600 would be presented to Guthrie County First Responders. This consists of member donations and several employer matches.


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 ACGC FFA represents well at Guthrie County Fair 

By Stella Largent | ACGC FFA Reporter

ACGC FFA had 10 members participate in the Guthrie County Fair over the Labor Day weekend. The members saw a lot of success while having fun showing off their projects.

For the beef show, five members brought lead cattle as well as pens. Will Kading, Braydon Betts, and Hali Klingenberg all received blue ribbons for their cow/calf pen exhibits. Lilly Rochholz exhibited her junior feeder pen and also received a blue ribbon. Stella Largent exhibited her lead cattle receiving grand champion with her cow calf pair and reserve champion senior showmanship.


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 Bairds have Guthrie Center Yard of the Month 

Special to the Times Vedette

Roger and Marie Baird at 1101 North St. in Guthrie Center are the winners of $100 in chamber bucks from the Guthrie Center Lions Club and the Guthrie Center Chamber of Commerce for the Yard of the Month contest for September. These two organizations have teamed up to award citizens who maintain and take pride in their yard with this monthly contest. This is the last award for the season.

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 Drivers urged to stay alert for deer movement 

From the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Drivers are advised to stay alert as they travel Iowa’s roads over the coming weeks. Autumn deer behavior, crop harvest and peak travel times for motorists combine to hike the risk of vehicle-deer collisions in Iowa.

From the middle of October until the third week of November, Iowa bucks become more active in the pursuit of does during the breeding season. Motorists may be distracted by the first deer that crosses not seeing the pursuing buck. This adds to multiple scenarios of fast moving, unpredictable deer crossing highways.


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 Wait until after Oct. 15 to prune oak trees 

From the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

The best way to prevent the spread of oak wilt is to not prune any oak tree during the growing season.

“It’s best to wait until after Oct. 15 to start pruning oak trees,” Tivon Feeley with the Iowa DNR’s forest health program says. “Then you can prune your oaks all winter long with the goal to stop pruning by March 1.”


Read the full story

Upcoming events at Jamaica Library

By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

  • The Jamaica Library has a variety of public events planned this month including:
  • Sunday, Oct. 6: Guthrie County Genealogy Monthly Meeting, 1:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 10: Coffee Chat with RSVP 55-plus Community Needs, 2 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 17: Coffee Chat with Hospice, 2:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 17 and Oct. 31: Food Hive Fresh Food Delivery (all are welcome), 2-7 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 24: Kids Craft with Guthrie County Hope, 4 p.m.
  • Tuesday, Oct. 29: JPL Trustees meeting, 5 p.m.
  • Thursday, Oct. 31: Drop-in costume party (prizes, games, treats) and “almost scary” story hour, 4-7 p.m. (pizza at 5 p.m.)

The Jamaica Public Library is located at 316 Main St. in Jamaica. Call 641-429-3362, email jampublib@netins.net or visit www.jamaica.lib.ia.us.


Grants available for community tree plantings

From the Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Through the USDA Forest Service Inflation Reduction Act, the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) received funds for tree planting grants for communities.

The Iowa Tree Planting Grant provides reimbursable grants to purchase trees, mulch, tree staking/protection and supplemental watering by contractor or city staff. The grant is a two-year program allowing for planting to take place in the spring and fall of 2025 and 2026. Grant funding is competitive, non-match, and awarded in amounts between $10,000 to $30,000 per applicant.



Appreciation Dinner for Guthrie Livestock Auction held Sept. 28

Special to the Times Vedette

Hosting the Annual Appreciation Dinner for Guthrie Livestock Auction on Sept. 28 were Dan and Terry Laughery. The event was held at 5:30 p.m. at Café on The Hill in Guthrie Center with Sarah Messinger assisting. Sarah furnished the hors d’oeuvres along with the salads, vegetables and twice-baked potatoes, and Dan and Terry grilled the steaks and loins. A decorated red velvet cake was furnished by Marcia Koepke.



Cribbage results from Oct. 2

Special to the Times Vedette

On Oct. 2, a total of 13 players participated. Wayne Nickel got a 24, Sandy Rumelhart got a 16 and a 20, Jim Carico had a 16, Dan Webb got a 17, Lela Schwartz brought in an 18, and Robert Klever came up with a 16 and a 24.

The Guthrie Center cribbage players generally meet at Guthrie Center Library on Mondays at 8 a.m., at the New Homestead independent living rec room at 8 a.m. on Wednesdays, and at the Guthrie Center Activity Center at 1 p.m. on Fridays. Organizers say there is always room for more, and they will be glad to teach you how to play. They play for quarters on Wednesday and Friday.



By Rich Wicks | Times Vedette

An article in the September 2024 Panora Times and the Aug. 30 Guthrie County Times Vedette on the hiring of Panorama Schools graduate Janelle Higgins at the University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) included inaccurate family information regarding Higgins. Her father is Lyle Higgins (deceased), and she was raised by Dennis and LeeAnn Pittman.

 Rochholz and Lutz finish in top 10; Panthers earn second place at Ogden meet 

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

The Panorama girls cross country team competed in the Ogden meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Of the nine teams that placed, the Panthers finished in second with 87 points. Madrid won the meet with 50. Kylie Rochholz, ranked 13th among 1A girls, led the way for Panorama, finishing in fifth in 19:38.64. Tenth-ranked 1A girls runner Laicey Lutz was just behind her in seventh place with a time of 19:55.47. Almiranda Burnett placed 21st in 22:30.90. Nella Rivas finished 27th in 23:09.41. Mary Fett earned 29th in 23:17.96 with Maddy Lutz finishing right behind her in 30th in 23:18.84. Corrie Knapp placed 53rd in 23:53.05. Jolynne Roeder rounded out the race for Panorama, placing 68th in 28:40.25. Panorama will have two races next week. On Monday, Oct. 7, they travel to the Greenfield Country Club for the Nodaway Valley meet. Thursday, Oct. 10, the girls will compete in the South Hamilton meet at the Jewell Golf and Country Club.

PICTURED: Kylie Rochholz. Photo by Greg Thompson

 Poldberg takes third, Panorama places ninth in Ogden 

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

The Panorama boys cross country team traveled to Ogden for a meet on Tuesday, Oct. 1. The boys placed ninth as a team with 218 points. Host Ogden won the meet with 32. Noah Poldberg continues his successful senior campaign. The 18th-ranked runner among 1A boys finished in third place in 17:17.50. Bladyn Wearmouth had the next-best finish for the Panthers, placing 47th in 30:23.41. Zach Hayden finished 54th in 20:57.89. Bennett Allen earned 68th place in 22:08.08. Jeremiah King followed him, placing 73rd in 22:36.84. The boys will see plenty of action next week. On Monday, Oct. 7, they will compete in the Nodaway Valley meet at the Greenfield Country Club in a 20-team field. Then, on Thursday, Oct. 10, the boys compete in the South Hamilton meet at the Jewell Golf and Country Club in an 11-team field.

PICTURED: Noah Poldberg. Photo by Greg Thompson


Panthers sweep Madrid away from home, 3-0

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

On Tuesday, Oct. 1, Panorama volleyball (5-7) swept Madrid (1-14) in dominating fashion. The sets shook out at 25-14, 25-13 and 25-17, giving Panorama back-to-back wins. Nerea Gimeno Perez led the team in assists with 14. Faith Recker also hit double digits with 10. Gracie Recker was on the end of most of the assists with 12 kills. Madison Mincy was all over the floor on defense as shown by her team-high 19 digs. The next closest was Faith Recker with seven. Kelsey Laabs was a perfect 12/12 on serves with two aces.

 Panorama volleyball stays hot, wins both games at Nodaway Valley triangular 

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

Panorama volleyball (7-7) hosted a triangular on Thursday, Oct. 4, competing against Nodaway Valley (0-24) and Grand View Christian (5-16). Panorama won both games, sweeping Nodaway Valley, 2-0. The first set was a close 25-19. Panorama dominated the second set, 25-1. Against Grand View Christian, the Panthers won, 2-1, winning the first set 25-22, losing the second, 14-25, and taking the third, 15-9 to secure the win. The two wins last night have Panorama on a four-game win streak, sitting at .500 and sixth in the WCAC. The seven wins on the season equaled their total from last year. Panorama will travel to Madrid this Saturday, Oct. 5 aiming to keep its win streak alive against host Madrid, Webster City, Earlham and Murray.

PICTURED: No. 3 Elizabeth Snyder serves against Grand View Christian at the Nodaway Valley triangular yesterday. Photo by Betty Cooper

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Panthers travel to face No. 6 Earlham tonight

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

Panorama football (1-4) is fresh off its first win of the season and will travel to No. 6 Earlham (4-1) tonight, Oct. 4, with kickoff slated for 7 p.m. Panorama won the contest between the two last season, 49-21, but face a much better side this time around. Earlham’s only loss on the season was against No. 2 ACGC earlier this season.

 Chargers sweep Interstate 35, 3-0 

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

ACGC volleyball (11-3) hosted Interstate 35 on Tuesday, Oct. 1, winning in a dominant sweep. The Chargers won the sets 25-11, 25-9 and 25-6. The Shay Lemke and Stella Largent duo continued to be a force to be reckoned with. Lemke led with 22 assists out of the team's 27. Largent had a team-high 14 kills. Camdyn Richter was next closest with nine. Plenty of Chargers got involved on defense. Largent, Becca Littler, Shay Lemke and Richter all shared a team-high six digs. Ilana Baumert was dominant behind the line. She was a perfect 19/19 with a team-high eight aces.

PICTURED: No. 14 Camdyn Richter jumps to serve in a game earlier this season. Photo by Mark Reno

 Undefeated No. 2 ACGC travels to IKM-Manning tonight 

By Cyote Williams | Times Vedette

No. 2 ACGC (5-0) makes the trip to IKM-Manning (2-3) High School tonight, Friday, Oct. 4. The Chargers have been a wrecking ball this season, with multiple 40-plus point performances on offense, including a 50-point outburst last Friday against Riverside. The two-pronged rushing attack of Jathan South and Mike Fuller has both with more than 600 yards rushing on the season. Expect to see those two get plenty of action on the gridiron tonight. IKM-Manning gave ACGC a tough game last season, with the Chargers ultimately winning, 35-31.

PICTURED: No. 34 Payton Policky in a game earlier this season. Photo by Mark Reno


Congregate Meals are served at Sneakers Café, Monday through Friday, in the Guthrie County Hospital. No meals are available on major holidays or during inclement weather. This service is available for seniors ages 60 and older. No reservation is needed. All menus follow Elderbridge-approved menus and provide at least one-third of the nutritional needs of individuals 60 and older. Menus are subject to change. For more information on these services, call 641-332-3818.

 20 years ago 

From the archives of The Guthrie Center Times, Oct. 6, 2004

WHERE'S THE FIRE? Guthrie Center elementary students got rides on fire trucks as part of Fire Prevention Week, and third-grader Angela Edgington even got to pretend-drive one of the tankers. Acquainting Angela with all the controls is Guthrie Center fireman Doug Kent.

See more Yester Years
 Best of Guthrie County 2024 

By Rich Wicks | Guthrie County Times publications, September 2024

America loves a contest. The Super Bowl. The World Series. March Madness. The Daytona 500. The Fourth of July hot-dog-eating competition. We simply love seeing who comes out on top.

On a local scale, Big Green Umbrella Media launched its first ever “Best of Guthrie County” poll to gather the opinions of our readers as to which individuals, businesses, events and organizations stand out from the crowd.


Read the results

FOR RENT: Newly Renovated! 2/1 Apartment for Rent. Newly renovated 2-bed, 1-bath apartment at 502 W Market St, Panora, IA 50216. Enjoy 700 sq ft of modern living with LVP flooring, new cabinets, counter tops, fresh paint, and updated trim and doors. Under new management, this bright and stylish unit offers comfort and convenience in a welcoming community near local amenities. $800/month. Call 712-469-4033.

CHILD CARE PROVIDERS WANTED: If you’re passionate about working with children, we want to hear from you! Little Smiles is a state licensed daycare in Adair. Benefits include no nights, weekends, or holidays, paid time off, discounted child care, and matching retirement plan available. Must be 18+ years of age and pass a background check. $500 hiring bonus available! Contact littlesmilesadair@gmail.com or 641-742-3031.

SERVICES: Do you need any sewing, alterations or mending done? I have lots of experience. Call Bernice 641-740-1146.


What's the best kind of music to listen to when fishing?

Something catchy!


Should Pete Rose be allowed in the Baseball Hall of Fame?

  • Yes
  • No

Submit your answers at the bottom of our website at gctimesnews.com

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